Friday, March 25, 2011

26 "March" Untuk Awak


hmm... 26th march 1991...
mcm manala rupe awak ble kluar
nampak dunia erk? 
of course la..
waktu tu, awak msti comel kn?
 (skip) hehe :p

ok, firstly sy bersyukur dapat bertemu
dgn awak...(waa, terharunya saya)
then terima kaseh kat awak cz
membalas seperti yg saya inginkan.

awak nk tahu sumthing...
(nk bg senang cite)
kte gaduh2 kn. dulu.. (na'auzubillah)
msing2 wat peranagai..
ishk.. malas nk cita lah...
tp kn, benda tu smua wat 
relationship kta lg tguh kn?
(hubby perasan mcm tu) :p
whatever pn, hubby ttp sayang kamu..

sempena birthday sayang,,
firstly hby nk minx maaf bnyk2
cz hby bnyk menyusahkn sayang,
n ape sje salah hby kat sayang tuh.
(forgive me sayang)
then nk ucap HAPPY BIRTHDAY la...
smuga panjang umo n murah rezeki syg
(bolley blanje hby makan :p)
then, hubby harap sayang blajar pandai2,
sayang jd org yang baek,
sayang sayangkn hubby bnyk2 lg (wajib!), 
then, whatever happened, u must go on to succeed
in your life, even kalaw hubby x da.. PROMISE me..
hubby x nk tgok sayang sedeyh lagi,
jangn buat macam2 blkg hubby lg aw..
wa... (bufday aku ke bufday dea?) hehe ;P

thats all from me..
Present... (secrete & suprise)
just wait ok?

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blog Untuk Mama

saya sayang mama saya..
(papa pn sy syg gak la ;-)

20 thn aku hidop,
x pna lagi aku jmpa org yg x syg mama dy..
(hidop aku la, bkn hidop korang) haha..

mama aku amatlah sebox sekali..
susa beno kalaw siang hari nk jmpa.

nk btaw korang la..
mama aku cikgu, setiausaha peperiksaan kat kolah dy..
(anak dy ni x pandai mana pn)
mama aku juga refree handball negeri perlis..
(aku pn x tau mama aku terer x men handball ni) hehe..
 so kdg2, mama aku lik kolah awal cz kna "JAGA GAME"
cian mama penadd...... ;)
ape persamaan aku ngan mama aku?
heh heh.. mari kita lihat....

1- Shampoo.... ;)
sal shampoo ni, perh... mmg sama lah. ape mama aku beli aku sebat...
mahal ke, mura ke, layan.... kdg2 dea pot pet gak..
"npe la shampoo ni abis cepad sangat.."

2- saloon?
bila2 masa ja mama aku g saloon, aku ikot..
mama aku g cuci ke, potong ke, treatment ke, kaler ke..
peduli ape aku, jjni aku leh potong rambot aku skali cuci dgn FREE
(mama aku bayar la)
haha... di samping ngorat amoi comel kat saloon tuh..

3- cte kat TB?
aku ngan mama kureng cte melayu..
ntah knp,
aku ngn mama lbih ska tgok cte inggeris, x pn china..
drama melayu, indon? x kot...
aku ngan mama juga minat drama korea..
aku minat sbb actor yang tip top.. heh heh..

meh kta tgok yg x sama lak aeh....
1- PEDAS??? juga dikenali sbg PERASA untuk CILI / CABAI ok?
aku x makan pedas....
mama makan pedas...
aku x tawu pasai apa aku x makan pedas..
dari kecik2 kot..
itu yg plik tntg diri aku.. so,
org johore, N9, n melaka, out of order..
nt tiap2 kali makan aku g oversea.. haha

2- intelligent(eja cam ni ka?)
mama aku seorg yg pandai supebb....
last CGPA dy 3.7 kot x salah aku..
Aku? bkn x pandai, kurang pandai...
hehe, biasa la...
malas kot... maybe..
(bila aku nk berubah huuu....)

3- prepaid?
aku MAXIS... mama CELCOM(dia amik UOX aku) :p
mama aku member dya bnyk celcom, papa pn line celcom..
aku plak member bnyk maxis.. awek pn maxis... hehe.
kpd mama( kalaw mama baca la kn ) :
bkn x mau call mama selalu,
mahal doe... haha x pe,  walau kita jaouh, x hello2x,
abg ttp sayang mama.. n ingat kat mama..
tgok : blog untuk mama :p

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

word to my ex-facebook

dear facebook..
i never feel lonely with you..
from you, i can enjoy my time with my lovely friend..
i can joke with them without using my mouth..
i can type whatever i want..
i can see my lover every day..
i can smile to her trough u..
sometime there will be missunderstanding..
we also solve it trouhg u..

but now..
i had too..
i had let u go to make sure she will not leave me..
i love my lover more than i love you..
even i will miss u so much..
even my friend waiting a comments..
i so sorry for it..
i just cant see she sad with mine..
i need her more than i'll need u..
u will be my memories..
i'll never forget u..
thanks giving me a lot of kindly friend..
im sorry..
i had to go by now

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Wish

If I could have just one wish,

I would wish to wake up everyday

to the sound of your breath on my neck,

the warmth of your lips on my cheek,

the touch of your fingers on my skin,

and the feel of your heart beating with mine...

Knowing that I could never find that feeling

with anyone other than you.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Letter To a Girl

Like a rose wilting and dying,
so feel my heart.

You trampled the most fragile
thing in my body,
and you didn't even know it.

I thought you felt a same as me,
you smile, touch my arms, stood up for me.

My spirit were lifted.

This was my first time any one did this.

For a time, I feel confident
because you made me.

I never wanted to leave you side,
afraid I would lose you.

But then the reality hit:

you never felt the same!

I had been floating at a fake cloud.

Your trampled the most fragile thing in my body
and you didn't even know it.